Praying for the Right Man or Woman of God to Lead Us Onward
1. Complete the online application by clicking the button below.
2. Submit Resume / CV
3. Include References with Your Resume:
3 Ministerial & 2 Personal
4. Copy of License to Preach the Gospel
5. Official Copy of Ordination Certification
6. High School Diploma:
Other Higher Education Degrees are a plus
Teaching and Preaching God's Word
Lead and facilitate Sunday Morning Services
Facilitate Wednesday Night Bible Study
Administer Communion (Each 2nd Sunday)
Officiate Weddings, Christenings, Baptisms and Funerals
Communicate with Ministry Staff and Ministry Leaders
Pastoral Care
Visit and commune the sick and shut-in
(Hospital, Nursing Home or Home)
Provide counsel and sound, Godly advice to church members
Provide guidance and mentoring to our youth members