Education Was Nicole's Passion
We Intend to Let Her Passion Live Through
The Nicole Marie Smith Scholarship Fund
In the short time our dear Nicole spent on this earth, she left an indelible mark in the world of education, at First New Hope B.C. and in our hearts. Nicole believed that an applicable education was the key to success in life. She not only believed it, she led the way by example. Her incredible drive to encourage young people to excel in school was apparent right up until she could no longer be here on earth with us. It was truly fitting that the church scholarship fund be organized and named for Nicole Marie Smith. A leader and champion of education. The fund was sanctioned by Pastor Ralph Holloway and approved by Nicole's Mother, Joyce Smith and her Aunts, Frankie Piner and Lizzie Watson. The dedicated committee members are Deaconess Barbara Nichols, Deaconess Robin Byrd, Deaconess Betty Lowe, Deaconess Sharon Brown and Rev. Dr. Linda K. Shepard. To God Be The Glory.